Our expertise

We’re changing pharma’s relationship with data.

Most pharma companies struggle with siloed data.


Disparate sources

Multiple interfaces

Incongruent reporting

With a combined 50+ years in the industry, we know the frustrations of the current system first-hand.

We decided to change the game, introducing the largest business data capability in pharma.

Consolidate your data with a powerful, plug-and-play A.I. platform.

90+ Countries

Analyze 99.9% of your worldwide pharma business with a unified database.

290+ Data Sets

Market sales, promotional spending, longitudinal Rx, distributors, and more.

Unlimited Seat Licenses

Self-service data access across regions and functions.

Fiercely Data Agnostic

All data from any providers combined into a single, real-time, multi-source view.

“We must prioritize data management if we want to get the most out of our A.I. investments”

Paul Hudson, CEO Sanofi
Source : fortune.com

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Data done better.

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